Threat Level Midnight (Full Movie EXCLUSIVE) - The Office US
Threat Level Midnight: The Movie is an action movie written and directed (and presumably edited) by Michael Scott. It took 10 years in total to make (3 years of writing, 1 year of shooting, 4 years of re-shooting and 2 years of editing) according to Michael in the beginning of the episode, "Threat Level Midnight."
A full 25 minute cut of the film is present on Disc 3 of the Season 7 DVD, and was uploaded to the official Office YouTube channel on December 10, 2019.
Michael Scarn (Michael) is sitting at his desk typing, then an assassin (disguised as a mailman) tries to shoot him, but he fires back, killing the assassin.
After the intro, the camera pans through newspaper clippings of Scarn's rise to the loss of his career. Scarn is then shown lying on his bed hungover. Scarn's robot butler, Samuel L. Chang (Dwight) comes to his attendance and tells Scarn that President Jackson (Darryl) wants to see him.
While in the Oval Office, President Jackson tells Scarn that Goldenface (Jim) tried to blowup the NFL All-star game, the MLB All-star game and the NBA All-star game. The President reminds Scarn that he took one day off to run a 20k with Robin Williams, and on the same day that Michael's wife, Catherine Zeta-Scarn was at the WNBA All-star game, she was killed by Goldenface. The President warns Scarn that there has been a bomb placed at the NHL All-star game stadium and needs him to destroy it, because it's his retirement plan and he owns the stadium. Goldenface took the consession stand workers hostage. If Scarn goes in, the hostages die. The game can't be cancelled because it costs too much money to cancel. President Jackson told Scarn that it's Threat Level Midnight. A coin toss, best of seven, will decide of Scarn chooses to go or to stay. While the hostages were tied up to Goldenface (Jim), the hostages had to choose a leader while Goldenface was doing some drugs outside.
While Scarn is driving, the narrator (Stanley) is telling everyone how Scarn didn't know a hockey stick from a Slim Jim. The Allstar game was three days away. So he went to Cherokee Jack (Creed) to find out how to beat Goldenface. At a Pre-National Allstar Game tryout between a skater (Oscar), Scarn, and a masked man, the announcer (Ryan) is explaining how they only can take one entry each year. The masked man then reveals himself to be Goldenface, and he and Scarn have a shoot-out, but only as a distraction to Scarn losing the speed-skating race. Scarn then precedes to the locker room where he breaks the mirror after thinking of his sad parts of his past and chokes the skater with the American flag towel.
The next day at Scarn Manor, Samuel L. Chang receives an e-mail given to Scarn to have him meet Jasmine Windsong (Jan) at the Funky Cat, the hippest jazz club in town. Michael told Jasmine about himself so Jasmine will sing a song that goes out to anyone who has been held hostage. There, Jasmine sings "The hostages are under the stadium" backwards, giving Scarn clues to where the hostages were. Just then, Goldenface's henchman (Troy L. Undercook) kills Jasmine with a blow dart. When Goldenface gets word of Scarn coming his way, he shoots Hostage #3's (Toby) head and it explodes. It proceeds to explode 6 different times in a cinematic scene.
Scarn and Chang bust through the gates and try to know where is the bomb. Goldenface handing Scarn the puck which is the bomb, says he won't kill anyone so he could release the hostages and defuse the puck if he just forgives him for murdering his wife, Catherine Zeta-Scarn, to which Scarn sees flashbacks in the puck. Scarn declines, and him (along with Chang) are shot. After waking up in the hospital to the sight of his nurse's (Helene Beesly), she explains that she wants to make sure everything is "working properly." As they engage in sex, the heart monitor goes off.
Next day, Scarn and Chang told President Jackson (Darryl) that the bomb is in the puck. Later, Goldenface and his henchman came in the oval office and teamed up with President Jackson. Chang thought that the President would blow up the stadium for the insurance money. The President showed footage of Scarn killing the skater and Scarn was surprised.
Later in the stadium, Sandra (Pam) questioned to Goldenface, "Why is your face gold?" Goldenface used to work in a gold factory and had a boss who cared about money. There were no lunch breaks, so Goldenface had to eat the gold. If Goldenface could blow up all of the allstar games, the trophies would explode and everyone would be gold just like him.
In the next scene, Scarn walks into the local pub, feeling down because he let everyone down. He then is preceded to talk to the local bartender, Billy (Andy), who says he is upset because his TV isn't working from the satellite after paying $30 a month, and explains that there is a table of women that like to have fun. To cheer Scarn up, Billy asks a kid to turn on the jukebox to "The Scarn." The local drunk (Packer) said, "The Scarn? Sounds gay." Michael replied, "It is gay, and straight, and black, and white, and young, and old, and cool, check it." While all the local drinkers (warehouse workers), Billy, the boy, and the babes all dance to the song. By the end of the song, the local drunk explains that if "doing the Scarn is gay, then I'm (he's) the biggest queer on earth". Now, Scarn had gained his self-confidence again.
Michael was told to get rid of the puck before halftime. During the allstar game, Chang explains that Cherokee Jack was killed. Scarn tries to take the puck and win the NHL Allstar game. Scarn saw Cherokee Jack's spirit. Jack's spirit told Scarn that he should take it out on the puck. Scarn slammed the puck and it flew out of the stadium. Chang freed all of the hostages. The puck hit the satellite so Billy and the bar patrons can watch the Allstar game. At Goldenface's dream home, the puck landed on Goldenface and it exploded. Scarn eventually wins the trophy and heads back to his manor where he is feeding himself and Chang and gets a call from the President asking him to do another mission, to which he replies "I'm in." Stanley then narrates and asks the viewers how he knew so much about Michael Scarn, revealing that Scarn was sitting in a chair with Stanley's voice dubbed over him saying because he IS Michael Scarn. At the end of the film, the credits roll, showing snapshots of the characters while Andy is singing "Threat Level Midnight."
- Michael Scott as Agent Michael Scarn
- Dwight Schrute as Samuel L. Chang the Robot Butler
- Jim Halpert as Goldenface
- Pam Beesly as Sandra
- Ryan Howard as NHL Coach
- Andy Bernard as Billy the Bartender
- Stanley Hudson as the Narrator (older Michael Scarn)
- Kevin Malone as a Hostage
- Creed Bratton as Cherokee Jack (Michael Scarn's hockey coach)
- Meredith Palmer as a Bachelorette Party Girl and a Man
- Kelly Kapoor as a Hostage
- Angela Martin as a Bachelorette Party Girl
- Toby Flenderson as a Hostage
- Oscar Martinez as Speed Skater
- Darryl Philbin as President Jackson
- Phyllis Vance as a Bachelorette Party Girl
- Jan Levinson as Jasmine Windsong
- Karen Fillipelli as a Bachelorette Party Girl
- Roy Anderson as a Hostage
- Todd Packer as Drunk Man in Bar
- Helene Beesly as Sexy Nurse
- Glenn as Bar Patron
- Madge Madden as Bar Patron
- Troy Underbridge as Golden-Henchman
- Hidetoshi Hasagawa as Bar Patron and voice in Scarn's mind
- Tony Gardner as Piano Player
- Unnamed actor as Assassin
- Unnamed actor as Bar Patron
- Unnamed actor as Bar Patron
Movie history[]
Pam discovers the Threat Level: Midnight screenplay in Michael's desk in The Client. It is a spy thriller featuring "Michael Scarn", a dashing FBI agent styled after James Bond. Scarn's life is a fantasy version of Michael's: Scarn's receptionist Catherine Zeta-Jones is in love with him, and his assistant is the inept Samuel L. Chang. Unknown to Michael, the employees perform a table read.
In "Email Surveillance", Michael's improv character is named Michael Scarn.
In "Product Recall", Michael declares the situation to be "Threat Level Midnight".
In "Money", Michael tells his co-workers at the telemarketing company about his screenplay. They are all thrilled.
In "Dinner Party": Michael segues to Michael Scarn after making a joke about James Bond. Later in the episode, when Jan calls Hunter an artist, Michael calls himself a screenwriter.
In "Prince Family Paper": Michael adopts the pseudonym Michael Scarn.
In "Threat Level Midnight": Michael shares the completed movie with the employees. In the movie version, Catherine Zeta-Jones is now Michael Scarn's wife.
In "Garage Sale": Kevin thinks that Michael is selling his Bowflex for $200, but Michael replies, "Dude, this was a prop in my movie."