Dunderpedia: The Office Wiki

One Schrute Buck.

The Schrute Buck was the basic unit of the currency used for motivation at Dunder Mifflin Scranton, created by Dwight Schrute during his temporary term as regional manager.

Exchange Rate[]

According to Dwight Schrute, the Schrute Buck is worth $0.0001 USD. One thousand Schrute Bucks can also be exchanged for an extra five minutes of lunch break.

It can be extrapolated that the exchange rate of US dollars to Schrute Bucks is approximately 10,000 and the exchange rate of Schrute Bucks to extra minutes at lunch is approximately 0.005. The exchange rate of US dollars to extra minutes at lunch is approximately 50.

There is no currency exchange rate between Stanley Nickels and Schrute Bucks; Stanley Hudson claims that the ratio of Stanley Nickels to Schrute Bucks is approximately equal to "the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns" 
