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The term branch may refer to the following:
- "Branch Closing" - Episode seven of season three
- "Branch Wars" - Episode six of season four
- "Company Picnic" - Episode twenty-eight of season five
Dunder Mifflin Company branches[]
Active branches[]
- Scranton branch - in Pennsylvania, the setting of much of the series.
- Akron branch - in Ohio, mentioned by Michael to be "haunted."
- Albany branch - in New York, managed by Jeff, previously managed by Craig.
- Nashua branch - in New Hampshire, mentioned by Michael to have no parking. Holly is transferred to Nashua after her relationship with Michael comes to light. Michael and Pam visit the branch in "Lecture Circuit Part 2".
- New York (Corporate HQ) - in New York City. In "The Job", several Scranton employees interviewed for a promotion to a corporate position in New York; ultimately Ryan was hired as Jan's replacement.
- Rochester branch - in New York; Michael and Pam skip going to Rochester to visit Nashua.
- Syracuse branch - in New York, close enough from Scranton to dispute clients after the Binghamton branch was closed.
- Utica branch - in New York, managed by Karen Filippelli, mentioned by Michael to be "snoozeville." Michael and Pam visit the branch in "Lecture Circuit Part 1".
Closed/unopened branches[]
- Binghamton branch - a former branch in New York, closed by Robert California in Season 8, a few days before the liquidation of Sabre.
- Buffalo branch - a former branch in New York managed by Dan Gore until its closure sometime between Season 5 and Season 6. Closing announced in "Company Picnic".
- Camden branch - in New Jersey, mentioned by Ben Nugent as having a poor reputation, and by Michael to be located in a basement. In the Season 5 premiere "Weight Loss", the Camden branch is listed on Holly's whiteboard as one of the branches participating in the weight-loss competition. It apparently closed soon thereafter, as noted in the Season 5 finale "Company Picnic".
- Northeast branch - the proposed renaming of the Stamford branch after the board originally voted to close the Scranton branch and merge the two. This branch never came to fruition as Scranton ultimately absorbed Stamford.
- Pittsfield branch - a former branch in Massachusetts. According to Jan in "Boys and Girls", the branch closed after attempts at unionization.
- Stamford branch - a former branch in Connecticut. It was supposed to absorb the Scranton branch, but after manager Josh Porter took a job with Staples, the Stamford branch closed instead. Some of its employees were absorbed by the Scranton branch.
- Yonkers branch - in New York, mentioned by Michael to have two attractive employees. Noted as having recently closed in "Company Picnic".